The Chestnut Street Cemetery is the oldest burying ground in Apalachicola and is the burial site of many individuals connected with the history of the area. Approximately 540 marked graves are located in the cemetery, with many more unmarked. You’ll find a variety of tombstones, from simple vertical slabs from the 1830s to elaborate marble monuments. A few graves are marked with simple wooden crosses or a blanket of shells with no names. There are at least 79 Confederate veterans and 7 Union veterans buried in the cemetery. Each Spring and Fall, the Apalachicola
Historical Society hosts a Ghost Tour in which local history enthusiasts take on the personna of the cemetery’s more notable inhabitants to tell of life in Apalachicola more than 100 years ago. Located on Avenue E, between 6th and 8th Streets.
To discover the rich history, lore and heritage of Apalachicola from more than 100 years ago, click here to download the Cemetery Walking Tour. Produced by the Apalachicola Area Historical Society, this brochure takes you on a 30 minute walk through the rich history, lore, and heritage represented in the City’s oldest burial ground.
Categories: Historic Tours, Sites to See
Avenue E between 6th and 8th Streets
Apalachicola, FL 32320