Chestnut Street Cemetery
Historic Chestnut Cemetery Workday
Chestnut Street CemeteryThe Apalachicola Area Historical Society (AAHS) is holding a workday on Saturday, October 8, 2016 at Historic Chestnut Cemetery on highway 98 between 6th and 8th streets in Apalachicola. We will begin at 8am by trimming the shrubbery and cleaning out the various urns and filling them with sand. Wear work clothes, bring sunscreen, and garden […]
Chestnut Street Cemetery Ghostwalk
Chestnut Street CemeteryCome join us for the 1st Ghost Walk in 2016. There will be characters dressed in period clothing representing locals from our past buried at the Chestnut Cemetery. Price is $5.00 at the front entrance of the cemetery the night of the event. AAHS members renewing or joining the night of the event will get […]